- The employees of Hotel Veenendaal ensure your safety. In the event of an emergency, the emergency plan comes into effect. You are kindly but urgently requested to follow any instructions from the employees.
- At Hotel Veenendaal we treat each other with respect and it is therefore forbidden to make insults or make discriminatory comments. It is also forbidden to sexually intimidate our guests and employees by word or gesture (action).
- To safeguard the peace, order and safety within Hotel Veenendaal, it is forbidden to use or threaten to use force.
- Do not leave your belongings unattended at the Hotel Veenendaal location and in your car. Hotel Veenendaal is not liable for loss, damage or theft of your belongings.
- Parking, both in the parking lot and in the vicinity of Hotel Veenendaal, is at your own risk.
- Hotel Veenendaal does not make its location available for purposes other than those set out in our policy, therefore it is forbidden to trade, heal or offer services. The amount of a room already paid will not be refunded.
- Anyone aged 18 or older can book a room. Each travel group must have at least 1 person aged 18 or over. The person who (also) books for other participants is liable for all others that he or she registers. With regard to underage travelers, it must be demonstrated that parents or guardians have granted permission. If a traveler is not yet 18 years old, we kindly request you to contact us by telephone.
- A valid ID must be presented upon check-in.
- Check-in is from 3:00 PM and check-out must be before 12:00 PM. If you wish to stay longer or want a late check out when booking (until max. 17:00), you must request this before 12:00 PM at reception. The extension must also be settled before 12:00, after which we will extend your room pass.
- Any food or drinks left in a checked-out room will be thrown away.
- Steek (waxine)kaarsen aan in de kamer.
- Overlast veroorzaken in en rond het hotel door harde muziek, aanstootgevend gedrag en/of lawaai van welke aard dan ook.
- Gebruik, consumeer en/of handel niet in verboden middelen in of rond het hotel.
- Lachgas (tanks) gebruiken, consumeren, verhandelen en/of vervoeren.
- In de kamer verblijven met meer gasten dan waarvoor geboekt is. Deze personen dienen zich bij de receptie te identificeren.
- Huur een kamer op uw naam zonder zelf in de kamer te verblijven.
- Roken in de kamer. Indien wij vaststellen dat dit in de kamer is gebeurd, zullen wij de gasten €150,- schoonmaakkosten in rekening brengen. Deze boete zal ook gebruikt worden voor het uitschakelen en/of afdekken van de rookmelder.
In alle gevallen waarin dit reglement niet voorziet, beslist de directie van Van der Valk hotel Veenendaal.Het hotel behoudt zich het recht voor om de reservering onmiddellijk te beëindigen zonder restitutie van het betaalde reserveringsbedrag.
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